Brief information about DEGIRO
DEGIRO is a broker with a wide range of investment options. DEGIRO was founded in 2008 by five former Binck Bank employees. At this time, they mainly focused on professional parties, but since 2013 it has also been possible for private investors to trade via the DEGIRO platform. DEGIRO is based in Amsterdam and is currently active in 16 European countries. This means that DEGIRO is currently one of the largest brokers in Europe.
DEGIRO has a wide choice of investment options. There are options to invest in; Shares, bonds, funds, futures, turbos, commodities, indices and ETFs. DEGIRO also offers various options for trading on foreign stock exchanges. Characteristic of DEGIRO is that they are relatively cheap to use the platform, that they have a very wide range of investment options and that they are currently the Dutch market leader. In addition to the fact that DEGIRO is the market leader, they have won the ‘Cashcow award’ in every year between 2016 and 2019, this is the award for the best online broker in the Netherlands.
There is a choice between various packages, these packages are; Basic, Active and Trader. With these accounts you agree to the lending of your securities by DEGIRO. Lending securities to third parties involves risks, namely the risk of losing fixed assets. For DEGIRO, lending these securities to third parties generates income in addition to transaction costs. Partly because of this, transaction costs can be kept relatively low, which means that DEGIRO can be labeled as a broker that is relatively cheap to use.
Since the merger with broker flatex, DEGIRO has been supervised by the German Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin). In addition, flatexDEGIRO is also under integrity supervision by De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) and under behavioral supervision by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). They also have a permit to act as an investment entrepreneur.
For more information about DEGIRO, take a look at our DEGIRO experiences !
Risk Disclaimer
Investing involves risks, including the potential to lose (a part of) your entire investment or even more. Therefore, only invest with money that you do not need immediately. If you decide to invest, it is important that you are well-prepared. Before you start investing, consider what your objectives, opportunities, and expectations are.